Lincolnshire has been celebrating a successful “Access LN6” programme and has produced a legacy document to highlight the achievements of the £6.5m three year programme to improve and promote sustainable transport in the LN6 area of Lincoln. The achievements of the programme, funded by the Department for Transport Local Sustainable Transport Fund (LSTF) include:
• Doubling the number of cyclists using key routes since 2012
• Doubling the number of passengers using Hykeham railway station
• A 72% increase in one of the bus services supported by Access LN6
This follows a celebration event on 12 March that showcased the achievements of the project and awarded special recognition awards to businesses and individuals who had worked to encourage sustainable travel in schools, businesses and the wider community.
Steer Davies Gleave was pleased to be involved in Access LN6, visiting 10,000 households in North Hykeham to offer Personal Travel Planning (PTP) to residents. Three thousand households took part with over 16,000 information resources, such as cycling maps, and incentives, such as pedometers distributed. The legacy of the PTP work included local maps and community guides for Hykeham.
Our evaluation found that the PTP encouraged participants to walk more often - 26% of participants stated that they make local walking trips every day following the conversation they had with a Travel Advisor, compared to 12% before. Case studies of participating residents suggest that, for many, the PTP encouraged them to walk more in their local area for health reasons, including recovering from illness.
This is just one of the positive impacts of from the Access LN6 programme, which is now being re-branded as Access Lincoln to cover the whole city.
Jennie Rothera and Maria Curro from Steer Davies Gleave presented a paper on the impacts of PTP on older adults in the Access LN6 project at the Transport Practitioners Meeting on 1-2 July, 2015 hosted by London Metropolitan University.