Network Rail’s Mike Goggin rejoins Steer Davies Gleave

To support our growing business, Steer Davies Gleave is delighted to announce the recruitment of a high calibre expert with global credentials; Mike Goggin,  Director – International Advisory rejoins after two years with the UK’s Network Rail.

Mike Goggin
Mike has worked in the rail and transit industry for 20 years and rejoins Steer Davies Gleave from the UK’s rail infrastructure manager Network Rail. For the last two years Mike has been Network Rail’s Director of Stations and Customer Service, leading a portfolio of activities that included the organisation's station strategy for its 2500+ railway stations, the reform of the privatised station leasing model, consolidating the business’ approach to provision of passenger information, accountable for a number of national station investment programmes whose combined value is in excess of £500m.

Before leaving Steer Davies Gleave in 2009 Mike led a number of high profile assignments for clients in the UK, North America and the Middle East.  Mike was head of the North American businesses and led a market review of the school bus, coach and rail markets for a major international transport operator.  In the UK he led the specification and evaluation for the procurement of the UK’s largest light rail operator/maintainer in Manchester and the value for money review of the largest UK rail franchise for the Government.  In the Middle East Mike provided the technical input to the successful design team for four high-speed rail stations on the Haramain High Speed Rail Project in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

As new Director – International Advisory, Mike will support clients across the modes and across the business’ international portfolio in the specification of investments, assessment and development of transactions and through providing practical expertise from his business, railway operating and station experience.

Mike brings a multidisciplinary and objective led approach to projects, often working closely with non-technical clients, stakeholders and partners to develop innovative and robust solutions or provide independent reviews.


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