Popular with pedestrians

The town centre of Yiewsley and West Drayton is a popular local centre in West London. However, the current retail experience along the high street is dominated by traffic and congestion, inconsistent footway surfaces and street clutter, making it an unpleasant and intimidating environment for pedestrians.

In response to this, and with the potential opportunities offered by the arrival of Crossrail and the development of several key local sites, the London Borough of Hillingdon worked with the local community to discuss aspirations for the area and identify priorities for improvement, such as revitalisation of the piazza areas, provision of soft landscaping and improved access to the canal.

Steer Davies Gleave was then asked to provide design advice for the proposals and we have since then supported the £2m bid for Area Based Scheme funding from Transport for London (TfL).

A business case was needed to demonstrate the value of the scheme, including the quantification of the benefits. While the scheme is  anticipated to smooth traffic flows along the high street and generate some small traveltime savings, the focus of the investment is on the improvement of the pedestrian environment. Therefore, we used an approach that captured the value to the users of the improved footway surfaces, widened pavements and piazza areas. Based upon the extent of the improvement and the volume of high street users who would benefit from them, the value for money of the scheme, along with its positive contribution to wider policies, has demonstrated a strong justification for funding the proposals. We are currently awaiting a formal decision which could transform Yiewsley and West Drayton and enhance the lives of those who live and work in the area.


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