Research and Innovation Showcase

Steer Davies Gleave is proud to have run an internal Research and Innovation (R&I) programme for many years, and we see it as an important part of our profile. All of our consultants can get involved, but we make a special effort to involve our younger staff, giving them a very wide brief – and the time – to investigate all manner of issues and topics. The result is a growing portfolio of new ideas and products that we can bring to our clients.

Last month we held our very first open research and Innovation Showcase event, giving invited guests the chance to see some of the rich variety of R&I work the company has done over the last year. Guests from TfL, DfT, the boroughs and the Transport Systems Catapult saw six mini-presentations from SDG staff. The topics were:

  • A 3D Infra-Red people counter
  • A Cycling Propensity Index for the US and Canada
  • UK Traffic levels and the economy 
  • Rail Fares and House prices 
  • Digital communications and Travel 
  • A Strategic Asset Lifecycle Optimisation Model

Following the presentation there was an opportunity to network and discuss the topics in further detail. Certainly there were lots of ideas firing back and forth afterwards.

We're pleased to share that feedback has been very good and as a result there will be a further event later this year. If you would like to be kept informed of when this will be please forward your contact details to our marketing team.

If you would like to know more about any of the projects discussed during April's event please contact the presenters directly.


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